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Frequently Asked Questions

Membership allows you to make comments on posts and read other members comments- there are a number of very interesting insights that can be gleaned from other users and some find this feature helpful in their journey. You can also post questions to a physician or group of physicians in the ASK section- though this does not guarantee a response (direct messaging is considered the practice of medicine), we attempt to have every individual's question answered broadly, if it will be helpful to other members. Remember please do not post any personal health information on a comment or ASK section question.

You are able to indicate that you are a healthcare professional through settings. You will need to go through a veriification process to check your credentials, but once this process is completed you are able to post and create content for other members as a healthcare professional.

This is to ensure that this app is being used for healthcare information purposes only and not to replace doctors visits or become a doctors visit, aka "the practice of medicine." remember please do not post any personal health information (name, date of birth, even specifics about your condition, e.g.) on comments or ASK section posts as this will be public information.

We only store your user name and collect aggregate data about healthcare trends. Nothing will be stored.

remember please do not post any personal health information (name, date of birth, even specifics about your condition, e.g.) on comments or ASK section posts as this will be public information. I encourage users to pick a generic user name that they are comfortable with and not to share any specifics on comments or the ASK section.

We are exploring avenues to introduce 1:1 telemedicine visits through the app with various health bytes experts. Currently, you can find their practice informaiton in their proflies and contact their office to set up an appointment in person or virtually.