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About Us

Health Bytes was founded in 2021 by a team of physicians, educators and computer scientists aiming to help reduce inequities in healthcare, especially access to reliable healthcare information. We are currently hiring content experts, engineers, and data scientists and are growing by the day. Please email to find out more and join the revolution in healthcare information!

Mission & Vision

Our aim is to connect health and wellness professionals with those seeking professional insight.

We have a simple mission- to take health expertise out of the clutches of old-guard institutional medicine and into the hands of patients. And in the process, make information understandable and accessible to ALL patients.

After witnessing tremendous inequities in healthcare, driven largely by the lack of access to health expertise and healthcare information, our founding team decided to change things.

Traditional web resources are frightening, vague, and misleading. Sites that claim to help people diagnose conditions cause unnecessary anxiety. Social media apps have important medical information mixed in with doctors posting ‘selfies’ while talking about serious healthcare topics.

The number of people with mobile phones continue to rise. So, the solution we came up with was Health Bytes-
The first FREE social- graphic and video first, mobile application that delivers healthcare information from credentialed health experts to patients.

Healthcare professionals also benefit- they can recommend videos to their patients who can benefit from improved health literacy about a particular topic. They can spend more time practicing medicine rather than combating misinformation patients are exposed to on current web andmobile platforms.

Simple to understand, short format videos and graphics- soon to be in multiple languages, will change the way healthcare is delivered.

Join us, join the revolution in healthcare information.